I am typing this blog in a Word document b/c our internet isn’t working right now. Ryan is going to drive over to the Days Inn after I’m done and piggy back on their wireless internet since ours seems to be inadequate.
Today was yet another good day. Our major event was a visit to
The other event of the day was driving to
We are staying the night in Wall, SD and the excitement is starting to catch up with both of us. We were looking forward to our first real meal of the day, only to find out Wall has NO food sources….other than Subway, which was closed, and the infamous Wall Drug. So..we ate at Wall Drug. It was a pretty good meal, but random. It just seems like there can be nothing else in Wall, other than that drug store.
It’s been another exciting day, just gotta get Ryan some internet and an ice machine and we’ll be all good. I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep and another big day tomorrow, which will include: a Missile Silo, The Badlands, and possibly

Here's a comment so you can keep up with Ryan. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! This will be a memorable one. We read your blog every day and I passed along the address to Teri so she can read at work. We were imagining you yesterday, driving along with the Close Encounters music on. It's not geeky. Sounds like something I would do while dad rolls his eyes (but secretly likes it). Keep having fun and hope you can have a good meal for your birthday. Love, Mom
Hey Miss Farley!!! well i hope your having fun! I miss you dearly down here in steelville! i hope your having a good time though! Travel Safely!
Hi Ali - here's a comment for you so you don't have to listen to Ryan's bragging. Sounds like a fabulous time, except for the hiking in flip flops. And Ryan rolls his eyes at how geeky Ron is - the Close Encounters thing sounds strangely Ron-like. Be safe!
Hey Alie... I just checked my hotmail email and seen that you sent me something about this... so i decided to read it!!! Sounds like you guys are havng fun!!! Becareful!!!
Erin Ransom
Sounds like you're both having a great time. You're seeing places and things I've always wanted to see...except for the cow pies...I've seen plenty of those already. Take care.
Dinner on me in Chicago before or after Bernstein. YOU pick the place, NOT Ryan. I'm trying to picture the moment when you approached Devil's tower, with the music blowing-out all the speakers, and Ryan totally into it. I can't.
Happy Birthday!! Love, Adam
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Sounds like you guys are having a terrific time!! Loving the pics! This is the first thing I check out inthe morning. Have fun!
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